Energy networks

Our company specializes in the production of low voltage current transformers also for the energy industry. These are indoor and outdoor transformers.
We offer them in classes 0.5; 0.5S 0.2, 0.2S for various gearboxes and power versions, e.g. 2.5VA, 5VA, 10VA.

You can find the catalogue of our products for Power Grids by clicking HERE.

These transformers widely used in the power industry have met a demand on the Polish market. They are installed, among others, in switchboards, switchgears and in low-voltage transformer stations on the national level. In addition to the internal, these products are exported to foreign markets all over the Europe.

We have an accredited laboratory calibrating current transformers in the scope of AP-187 accreditation, we issue calibration certificates for our products for power networks and attach them to the goods sent to customers.

The company actively participates in industry fairs. These include, among others, the Energy Fair: “ENERGETICS” organized in Lublin, and the “ENERGATAB” organized in Bielsko-Biała.